The mantle of L. grimaldii is covered by a dense layer of dermal cushions. The layer ends abruptly (see arrow in photograph below) in the anterior half of the fins presumably at about the point where the muscular mantle ends.

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Figure. Dermal cushions of mantle of L. grimaldii, 617 mm ML, fresh. Photograph by D. Stevens.

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Figure. Scanning electron micrographs of the cushions of L. grimaldii and their structure, scale bar in A-C = 1 mm, in D = 0.1 mm. A - Dermal cushions in normal position on mantle with anterior cushions overlapping posterior ones. B - Cushions viewed posteriorly. C - Longitudinal section through one scale and part of another. Note the spongy appearance. D - Closer view of the spongy structure of the cushion showing numerous vacuoles. Photographs from Roper and Lu (1990).
About This Page
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA
Page copyright © 1999 and
Page: Tree of Life
Lepidoteuthis grimaldii: Dermal Cushions
Authored by
Richard E. Young and Michael Vecchione.
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